Art Of Revision : Forum : *AttentioN*


15 Years Ago

Here is what I propose, that people in our group all get together to make a 'campfire' story, a story where there is a different 'Author' every chapter. But all of the chapters will either run parallel, or in chronological order somehow. This is just the idea phase, so please everyone send me or post your ideas. I want everyone to decide on what kind of story it will be, then a order of authors will be decided. I want this group to really grow and improve so let me know what you think and see if we can't get creative here. There will also be a min and max word limit, to keep a good flow from chapter to chapter.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Sounds like a great idea. Think we need to come up with the base of the story as a group. Like what genre will it be, basic setting info. I'm in though.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I agree with shade. Maybe we could post a sort of online meeting where everyone gathers and posts their ideas about what their most comfortable writing about. 

I'm also wondering about how this is going to tie together. This is going to be interesting. 

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Well go ahead and post your ideas, and what you think a good word count would be. And we will move ahead from there.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

would like to participate in this story concept.

have you started it yet?

eychet chayil

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Why not have everyone list their three top choices of genre and then combine them and let it flow?

 For example a murder mystery could be in science fiction setting with a romantic subplot - just an idea.


[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Everyone who posts add in any idea you think would be helpful. We won't be starting this until a little while into December most likely. I want to get some more people in the group to get a bigger outcome, if that is possible.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I don't know about anyone else... but when you say "campfire tale" it brings me to horror stories and legends.  I'm in for that.... or anything else.  Sounds great.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I am glad I found the post! I have a couple of ideas on stories, or how to run a "campfire" story. I did a couple before, on another website a few a years ago. (possibly Anyway, I know there are a million concepts and outcomes possible, especially with a good group. We should figure out a way to organize voting, idea submission, who moderates, editing (if any), etc. I'm excited!

If you need more info on the concept, Google "round robin story".