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Lara Biyuts

Lara Biyuts


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About Me

a Goodreads author,

a self-published author seeking a literary agent,

I live in East Europe, writing in English. Hi everyone. I am Lara B, a middle-aged translator and young author from East Europe. Un poete maudit. Gay-admirer. Straight fetishist. My fetish is gay erotic stories and my novel. Author of my photies and my own photo model : ) My given name has several derivatives and diminutives that I use as a part of my pen-names. My surnam's spelling is another story, longer and more difficult, and I call all my namesakes or learned persons, who know more of the geographical name's origin, for sharing the info with me, the big fan of history, English language and linguistic in general, who is always in online search, placing reliance on Facebook, the busy place like no other. Some of my online friends wonder what I want online/on the Net. Mutually beneficial information exchange. It’s so simple. Mutually beneficial relations are not so simple yet possible too, no? Next, if I have MBIE and MBR, then I have a chance to get something more which is my interest too : )
Vaulting my novelese,
abetting my hero’s sins,
sponging on marble idols
I create reality,
fluffy as catkin.
“Eat to live, don't live to eat,” they say, but I can see nothing wrong in eating and pleasures as anybody’s only purport of life. “What is your purport of life?” they ask. Mine is eating, I would say. Tea and Scones. Cakes and Sex. Writing purely for my own pleasure, I want to be published in order to earn additionally, with me myself always getting off on what I write about. Live & Learn. I learn what I need and share what I know for certain. My love for literature, like my gender, sexuality and politics, is adamantine. Too selective to my native literature and culture, I love books by some great and not so great writers: Chekhov, Nabokov, Oscar Wilde, Ronald Firbank, Evelyn Waugh, W. Somerset Maugham, Plato, Petronius, Martial, John Dickson Carr, Rex Stout, feeling oh so thankful to two books “Memoirs of Hadrian” by Marguerite Yourcenar and “Beloved and God: The Story of Hadrian and Antinous” by Royston Lambert. My blog Revue Blanche is dedicated to the joy of creativity, the beauty of originality, the power of curiosity, the wonder of diversity, and the delight of imagination, limited by the small circle of my interests.
My novels are published on Lulu: La Lune Blanche (ISBN 9781409299011 and 9781445237596), Forever Jocelyn (ISBN 9781445204062) and La Arme Blanche (ISBN 9781446157916).
Sed non satiatus… while chasing shades. ~ Bisous. Lara