The world we live on

The world we live on

A Poem by Aa Harvey

The world we live on



The dinosaurs are dead, frozen in place;

They have gone to never be replaced.



There is a sinkhole in our planet

And it swallows all beauty within it.

What is happening to our world before our eyes?

And why are we doing nothing to stop it?



We are in the eye of the storm,

We have safety in numbers.

There is a maelstrom so powerful it is eating up the waves

And drowning all the fishes.



A great blue hole in the ocean swallows the water down a whirlpool;

Where is the ocean going?

We have harvested the world of all its goodness

And the human consumption rate is still growing.



The world is dying and we are not crying,

Because it is someone else’s problem.

We are safe in this lifetime;

But our children’s children will die,

Because they have no oxygen.


(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

© 2016 Aa Harvey

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Hi! I'm no poetry expert, but I really liked the flow and language/symbols of most of it. The one part that threw me off was the very first stanza about dinosaurs; it sounded really awkward and out of the flow with the rest of the poem.
Just my opinion, probably not very good of an opinion xD I really liked the poem though.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Aa Harvey

8 Years Ago

Thank you for your review. You may be right about the dinosaur verse, but I tend not to change a po.. read more


A much needed call to the world. " We have harvested the world of all its goodness
And the human consumption rate is still growing." Bitter reality. Good piece of work!

Posted 6 Years Ago

Hi! I'm no poetry expert, but I really liked the flow and language/symbols of most of it. The one part that threw me off was the very first stanza about dinosaurs; it sounded really awkward and out of the flow with the rest of the poem.
Just my opinion, probably not very good of an opinion xD I really liked the poem though.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Aa Harvey

8 Years Ago

Thank you for your review. You may be right about the dinosaur verse, but I tend not to change a po.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on March 9, 2016
Last Updated on March 9, 2016
Tags: world, hole, water, ocean, humanity, children


Aa Harvey
Aa Harvey

United Kingdom

I have been writing poetry for over ten years and I write about everything. The music I listen to can be found on you tube. Just search aa harvey 5000 playlist. The first 5 playlists are the mu.. more..
