The Game of Life

The Game of Life

A Poem by Luke Masters

Melodramatic... So sue me... :)


Life is a playing field... a chess board,

Where the Black King is forever trying to possess

The realm of the White.

These are strong visions, no?

Light and Darkness

When all around is gray?

A mix, if you will, of good and evil.

Of course, there are pawns;

Those who either strive to be something more - A knight, perhaps,

And those who become a sacrifice for others or for belief.

Sadly, these are doomed to live as others want them.

By the end, all pawns are gone.

Only a Black and White Knight remain

And they guard their masters well.

What would you say if I said you could be one of these?

Whether you were Black or White is yours to decide.

Follow the Heart.

Step into the Light and leave the Darkness.

Darkness moves forward and you... you look into his eyes.

Who will win?

Will White yield to Black?

Will Darkness give way to the Light?

The only certainty is that nothing will ever be the same.

You are a soldier facing Armageddon.

You fight for truth and you will not fail.

Death charges and Life meets him.

Can you win a world for peace, for soul?

May the final moves be made

And let the Light prevail.

© 2012 Luke Masters

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let the light prevail... Well penned.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 16, 2012
Last Updated on February 16, 2012


Luke Masters
Luke Masters

Newcastle, Australia

I enjoy reading and writing, computer games and movies. I am a fan of the comic/graphic novel genre, along with the sci-fi/fantasy, action/adventure and comedy genres. Favourite band: Queen Favou.. more..

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A Poem by Luke Masters