Symbiotic [Eyes Under Ebony]

Symbiotic [Eyes Under Ebony]

A Poem by Emunah June.

Because BioShock, that's why.


We don't need them

to know we're beautiful.

We don't need to waste our breath

on those who die to define existence.

We destroy so we'll serve, we are the light

and the envy of the eyes under ebony.

It is the sickness in our souls

that makes us the bones in the garden.

It is the pus on our lips

that makes us the mouthpiece of vengeance.

We are the very definition of revolution

stuck in pools of aquatic crimson.

This is the rebel call of youth

for the depleted and dying to construct their own sense

painted in portraits wrapped up in cans

of mustard gas and pallor.

Our protection can't be sanctified

but it can be sanded down to satisfaction.

Age before beauty, and wealth before health.

It's the thief's duty to build a castle of iron.

We have no oxygen left to breathe

in our prison by the water.

There are no words to describe

why I need you so badly

but if you carry me on your shoulders

I promise you a better tomorrow.

I promise you a city for two

in the land of the dead.

It is more than anyone

ever promised us during our time of living.

Keep me safe.

Keep me warm.

And I'll keep us anonymous

under the watchful eye of intoxicated prowess.

This is our legacy

in a time of bitter growth

so don't forget me

when our cells are destroyed by

something a bit more


No one understands us

but those who sleep beside viles of knowledge.

We'll write the book

while the others write their histories.

This is our century

to do with as we please.

This is our time.

Let the liars lie and the parasites fade.

© 2014 Emunah June.

Author's Note

Emunah June.
Like this? You should check out Darkshine's response poem "My Little One"! Here's the link:

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BIOSHOCK! awesome games. I don't play 1 and 2 though. Infinite is a crazy one. anyway, great poem! I looove how you depict the situation in the game. this gloomy, painful bond between Big Daddy and Little Sister.'s a little bit melancholic.

Posted 9 Years Ago

I agree.
"This is our time.
Let the liars lie and the parasites fade."
I thought my parent left little. Today kids have a great and heavy burden. I pray and hope they do better than my generation did. I like the honest and the direct tone of your words. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 27, 2014
Last Updated on December 28, 2014


Emunah June.
Emunah June.

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