The Enchanted Fairytale Of The Lourde' and His Ladee'

The Enchanted Fairytale Of The Lourde' and His Ladee'

A Story by anne p. murray- LadeeAnne

Part one and Part two combined



A Faerie Tale for children and adults who enjoy fantasy, the mystikal' realms

of magik', mystery and enchantment.

 Written with a wee bit of Olde' English


Part 1

Once upon a time...

In the Magikal' Forest of Ode'

Buried deep in the mystikal' forest of greene'

Many magikal' things can be seen

Glittering flashes glowing in the firelite'

Of dancing faeries and elves in the nite'

Pixies on bumble bees and fireflies

Faeries riding giddilly on butterflies


Gnomes dashing aboute' here and beyonde'

Playing gaily across the skyblue ponds

Moon babies flying with gossamer wings

While Moon Goddesses and Leprechauns merrily sing



While us mortals sleep completely unaware

They play and frolic about without a single care

Hiding in and out amongst the trees and glades 

While during the day many children have played

With Elfin magik' the woodland abounds

Playing in the forest on faerie groundes' 



We muste' get on with this magikal' tale

So...come along with me now


We're going into the Magikal Forest of Ode

And open the cnchanting, mysterious veil...

           Into Faerie Land



The Lourde' And His Ladee'

The Lourde' and his Ladee'

Rode mysteriously thru' the nite'

Her arms entwined around him tight 

The horse they rode was dark, glistening black

 He majestikally' carried them both on his back

They rode with the wind and shadows of the dark

For they both held secrets deep in their hearts

"Mystikal spells from the Earth and the Sea"

Said the Lourde' of the night to his Ekfin Ladee'

"Spells",  she whispered, "From the Mystik' and Olde'

"Use them well", he said, "Be brave, be bold"

With cobweb silk and duste' from the stars

They carried magikal promises from lands afar


"Have no fear", said the Lourde' to his Elfin Ladee'

As they rode thru' the nite' so dark and shadee'

"No longer me sweete' shall ye' be alone

Magikal' love together we've sown"


With thundering hooves they rode into the nite'

The moonbeams golden, the stars glittering brite'

The ritual magik' of sorcerers and elves

Softe' greene' moss and bewitching spells


They rode hard and fast into the nite'

Guided safely by the stars and softe' moonlite'

His hair black as midnight, hers golden like the sun

Their spirits and souls joined together as one 


"We'll soon be there", said the Ladee' to her Lourde'

We'll find moonbeam fairies and elves with swords"

They brought bewitching spells and Enchanted Scrolls

They carried them tightly in mystikal' rolls


The Lourde' and his Ladee' carried the magik' key

This Lourde' and his Ladee' of mystery!

They carried magikal' stones and Celtic spells

They were very wize' they would use them well


The moonbeam faeries had traveled to Earth

To bless each childe' at its moment of birth

Moon Beam Babee


The Lourde' and his Ladee' rode swiftly down the road

To join leprechauns and pixies in the Forest of Ode'





Part 2


If you recall in Part 1, the Lourde' and his Ladee' were riding swiftly down the road

To join leprechauns and pixies in the Forest of Ode' for a happy festival of celebration...the wedding of Avid and Marina.

So let's go back into the Magikal'  Forest of Ode and travel along with...

              The Lourde' and His Ladee'




They Muste' quickly make haste before the nite' turned around

Fire Faeries and star babees danced merrily on the grounde'

Dream Weavers and Sandmen scurried joyfully thru' the woods

Carrying brite coloured baskets filled with magikal' goods


A Woodland wedding for the bride and the groom

In the Forest of Ode' under the stars and the moon

Faerie bride Marina with hair spun of gold

Avid the groom so handsome, so bold

The Lord And The Ladee

Marina's gown was shimmering, starbrite white

As Avid the brave one stood beside her in the night

They all joined together singing jubiliant songs of great glee

Then the Lourde' and his Ladee' rode in with the magik' key

Cheer and music echoed thru' the night air

As the Lourde' and his Ladee' joined the tiny pair


The Magikal' Garden rang oute' in joyous song

As Avid and Marina said their vows to belong

Elves, gnomes, wizards, moon babees and pixies

Water and Earth spirits and a pixie named Trixie



All dancing in the garden where faeries

And wizards dwelled

A forest of magik'...

Faerie duste', softe' greene' moss and bluebells

Slowly the twilite' started slipping away

As they all sang and danced in joyful play

Then all of a sudden, quite oute' of the blue

In a blink of thee eye...away they all flew

In the realms of twilite' shimmering across the nite' sky

There was a fluttering of wings as they all began to fly, fly, fly

Their silvery wings glistened like stars in the nite'

As they majestikally' ascended into mystikal' flight!




After all the faeries and elves went to their homes of yonder


Marina and Avid began their enchanted lives together

They lived in an Enchanted Cottage in the Magikal' Forest of Ode'

Happily together... ever after and after



                   The Happy End

                        But wait...


I know ye' muste' believe in faeries and elves

Ye' muste' believe, like ye' believe in ye' selves

Ye' muste' believe in magik', for it truly does exist

Search thru' forests and trees and the mysterious mist


Once upon a time in the Enchanted Forest of Ode'

Many mysterious, magikal' seeds were sown

Seeds of enchantment, mystik' charms and magik' stones

Steeped in the Mystikal' magik' of love and lore

Ye muste' always keep ye' eyes open, there will be more!


Some nite' the Sandman may whisk ye' away

To the enchanting lands of mythikal' magik'

Guess what?.....

Ye' juste' might want to stay!


In the quiet still dusk of morn...

Ye' can hear the whole world whispering

The shy, greene' grasses making love

With the early, morning moisture of the dew

Shhhh, listen...

Everything there is to hear,

Is in the heart of hidden things



Ye' Muste' always wish on a shooting star

Ye muste' always look for 4 leaf clovers


Ye' muste' always say "Bless ye'" after someone sneezes


Ye' muste' always sing "Mr. Sandman Bring Me A Dream" before ye' lay thee head down to sleep at night, to have happy dreams.


Ye' muste'always place ye'pulled teeth

Under thee pillow

So thee Tooth Faerie will leave thee' some coins

 P.S. That way ye'shall never be without gold






Golden shadows

Glistening in the night

Embraced by air

Let your spirit

Be free of despair

Flowing with flowers in every hue

Angels and fairies weave their garlands

Woven with the magik' of love




Copyrighted and written By Anne P Murray 1993




© 2011 anne p. murray- LadeeAnne

Author's Note

anne p. murray- LadeeAnne
This is the combined parts of 1 and 2 submitted for the 2011 Annual Fairytale contest

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Added on September 21, 2011
Last Updated on December 26, 2011
Previous Versions


anne p. murray- LadeeAnne
anne p. murray- LadeeAnne

Birmingham, AL

I'm not an extraordinary woman, simply put... I'm just a normal, ordinary one. In my private life I am gingerly cautious with the people I meet, but fearless in the words I write. Not an extrove.. more..
