

A Poem by Abirami

My friend who expired recently, inspired me to write this poem...just hope she was here to see how much i miss her..

Never have I seen such a Rose
A Rose neither white nor black nor hued
You were a Rose that I thought would never wither

Roses though a babe,
Hunt for blood their thorny cape
But you, my friend, a finest among them
Without the gloom-spreading daggers sharp.

Oh, how my heart bleeds !
Lend me a hand to wipe away this crimson blood,
Ever so bright on the shroud so white.

Like a lovely nightingale,
Mum and silent you lay on the grass
Fallen cold and dead
Never have I seen such a Rose ever bloomed.

Oh! Enough of this already! 
‘Arise o’ beautiful Muskie!
Throw those mourning wreaths away
And walk with me, I pray’

And then she rose, ever so silently weeping
She put her lovely hand out to touch me,
As she ascended the eerie sky.
“come hither Rose! Leave me not
Stranded here alone!’ I begged

I cried as she was vanishing
Into the sky so blue,
Just then, two drops of water,
Light as dew landed.
One on my salty cheek,
Another on the rose bud near.

As I saw the rose bud bloom,
She left me, leaving a never-healing scar
In my fragmented heart.

© 2011 Abirami

Author's Note

Im a newbie in poetry writing, how do you think i can improve my poems?

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Added on April 8, 2011
Last Updated on April 9, 2011
Tags: friend, rose, passed away, best friend, love, imagination, pain, sorrow, life, death



I love reading good writings and i enjoy writing informal essays and poetry.I have a gazzilion activities to do,all of which i enjoy.But i need something that seriously affects me,else i just cant wri.. more..

The choice The choice

A Poem by Abirami