They Don't Make Those Men Anymore

They Don't Make Those Men Anymore

A Poem by Tate Morgan

He treated me as if his own and for that I honor him too by eighty four, he had done more than any man I had ever knew

Elmer Conrad

The day started as many do

I ran up the hill of the grounds

I'd leapt from bed, in fear and dread

that I would be late to the Downs

We had so many horses then

thirty one as I now recall

Only two men, to jog back then

 rushed to finish before the squall


We had six horses in that night

each hurried to finish in time

We'd bathed them all, cleaned each ones stall

life was hard back then in my prime

The rain was roiling from the west

black clouds had portended a storm

All were ready, stout and steady

for us this was just the norm


On that night between the races

I spoke with an old friend of mine

His the mystique, the most unique

of any horsemen you could find

His dad named him Elmer Conrad

he was a product of the old school

At eighty four, or maybe more

this young man thought he was so cool


As the oldest racing driver

I must admit he held great sway

In him I'd found, a lonesome sound

as he'd outlived all from his day

One night Elmer was in a wreck

his temper puffed a powder keg

There on the ground, a cracking sound

he lay picking bones from his leg


But this night he drove his rig home

it was late and the roads were wet

He'd had bad luck, and wrecked the truck

I'm sure he blew it off, "no sweat"

That was the last I saw of him

someone thought him too old to drive

With no great ease, took Elmer's keys

and with that his desire to thrive

Elmer hung himself in the barn

beside the home family owned

Looking back now, I wonder how

any of us could have atoned 

 Next day I heard my hero died

where-bye we'd lost a man so great

Scrawled on a note, that he had wrote

"I am the Master of my Fate"


He treated me as if his own

and for that I honor him too

By eighty four, he had done more

than any man I had ever knew

He was the last great gentleman

I had known of four and four score

There died our best, eternal rest

they don't make those men anymore

© 2022 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
Men like Elmer led their lives by a code unlike the average man. Elmer Conrad was such a part of the track his was the template from which we were all created. He was the constitution and conscience of us all. The old ones respected him. But I admired him. The secrets he had learned followed him to the grave, as did our feelings and admiration for his spirit. As a young man I felt a little poorer for the loss of such a spirit. He had been the guest on the Carson show the year before as the oldest living driver. I remember watching him and thinking he is so cool!
I am not one who believes that finishing third is winning. I think we do our children a disservice by awarding them trophies for participation. It is the truth of life that excellence is the key to success. Life is meant to be hard. I use to look at Elmer and knew from the tip of his hat to me that he approved. He watched me work night and day. He saw with what deference I paid homage to my own father and in me I hoped he had found something of himself and the times that led to the man I so admired. He was one of a kind.
May God Rest His Soul

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Featured Review

Holy moley. Jeewhizz. Jaw dropping. This poem is like being hit by giant hammer through a pillow. It took my breath away. The imagery, the sense of nostalgia. This is so far my fav Tate Morgan work. It's inspiring in its briliance. You should be out there, Tate. Your works touches people should be on the cover of TIME. Great. Really great.

Posted 10 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

thank you rooster


I know another Old Elmer by another name and he's as hard and tough and ongoing as your dear departed friend. Roy taught me many things and kept a lot hidden as well. Horses are a great part of our lives and Luta our retired racehorse is such a character. Your poetry and verse conveys and gives us a wonderful picture of love and tribute also one of pride. I don't know what else to say except I look forward muchly to reading more of your work. Thankyou.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

Thank you so much There is nothing greater than the respect of a fellow poet I am humbled and honore.. read more
excellent, Tate, purely excellent

Posted 11 Years Ago

I can sense the heroic deeds Elmer has portrayed in his life more than the men that is now bound to be today. I'm not saying that there are no more of them that is present now. Maybe, we can hope that just a few could have gotten the courage and the desire to conquer his fate. I'm very sad to hear that he hanged himself and I sincerely express my deepest respect to him.
You have dedicated a very heartfelt poem that is so full of devotion to him and I found it enticing that the words seem to dwell on the reader's mind. The narratives that were written depict a journey to the past that helped one remember vividly what was on the author's mind when he was writing it. Great piece!

Posted 11 Years Ago

It's one of the many things I admire about you Tate. You are always looking beneath the surface to find the true person. You find courage and fortitude; you respect and honor those that others shun; and you show the good in others that most could not see beyond the exterior. Wonderful tribute.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

I suppose it is a virtue to see the soul of a person .To me I always felt that a person was easier t.. read more
I owe you a great debt and you don't even know it. The things I learn about myself and life from your masterful works are indeed countless. I cannot remember reading a single word by you that was not accompanied by a hot tear rolling down my cheek; be they tears of joy or sorrow, your work always gets its pay from me "A hot tear." We all truly stand on the shoulders of giants, but most do so unaware; you honor them all with fitting tributes in verse. I grew up on the tracks and cared for horses in exchange for payment for my own thorough bred mare, Petites Pride. Through the telling of Elmer's life in verse and in the authors comments, I feel I knew Elmer, and at the least knew his counterparts in California. Again the work you produce helps me release my held back tears...My thanks are not enough.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

What a brilliantly colorful write. I enjoyed. Life needs more men with such character.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Fantastic homage to a man you knew back wwhen you were racing..You did a wonderful job telling his story..did he really race that old? Kathie

Posted 11 Years Ago

I recently spent some time working at the race tracks. I was intrigued by the life and work that surrounded the horses and jockeys. Unfortunately, I only spent a few months there, so I never got a chance to really interact and socialize with the people who have made horse racing possible in America for generations. I am glad to have read your poem and to have met Elmer Conrad--a true man's man. The title is so appropriate. Men like this were fashioned on horseback, in barns and taverns, and behind the wheel of all-American machinery. Elmer is American spirit at its purest. But, the seeds sown by Elmer's breed of men are today lost to pop culture and mass social media. I love that your poem portrays a relic of true Americana. Thank you for the read request.

Posted 11 Years Ago

very beautiful work,it's a good way to honor your freinds...well done dear writer!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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89 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on March 23, 2013
Last Updated on November 20, 2022
Tags: poetry


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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