Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by blackcayne

"What the hell did you do to her?"

I sighed, gazing wistfully at the hanging origami birds suspended from the ceiling. They looked so peaceful, it made me slightly jealous. What was happening? That dream freaked me out more than I would admit to. It just seemed so... Real.

It was a Saturday morning and I was ready for a day of lazing around. Sitting up in my pale yellow sheets I swallowed nervously and peeled the blanket from my sweaty legs. I puffed my cheeks and took a glance around my bedroom. The walls were my favourite pastel peach shade with a pile of books stacked dangerously high on my bedside table. Next to my bed the balcony was covered by white curtains with black roses outlined here and there. Standing up, I padded over to my bookshelf, noting the mess of patterned paper scattered on the floor which was the aftermath of a friendship picture collage of my best friend, Hilary, and I, was all over the empty space on the carpet.

I smiled, admiring the collage hanging on the wall. Suddenly, my ringtone blared out from my phone and I flinched before picking it up and glancing at the contact name... Hilary, I swiped to answer.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, cheerfully, tracing my fingertips over the pictures of us.

"Ione! I know I said that we weren't going to check out that guy at the café, but I'm so bored," she whined.

"Again? Hilary, why havn't you just talked to him?" I grinned.
In a nearby café there had been a cute waiter that she had dragged me to see over six times in the last two weeks.

"It's not like you have anything better to do," she muttered underneath her breath.

"Excuse you, what time are you coming over?" I walked over to my wardrobe, shuffling through the clothes.

"I'll be there in ten, thanks Ione! Love you!" she squealed. I could imagine her black hair bouncing as she twitched in excitement.

"See you later Hil," I pressed the end call button and threw my phone onto the bed. I stepped out onto the balcony and took a deep breath of the fresh air. It seemed like it was going to be a day with nice weather so I went back inside and pulled out a pale blue v-neck shirt with white spots and pair of faded denim shorts. Walking to the bathroom across the hall, I yelled, "Dad! If Hilary knocks, let her up!"

"Yes, your majesty!" he yelled back from downstairs.

Shaking my head, I fought the grin that was creeping onto my lips. Closing the bathroom door, I washed my face, patting it dry softly with a white towel. Looking up at the mirror, I examined my bright green eyes and brown hair. I applied a coat of mascara and a few dabs of concealer.

Acceptable, I nodded my head.

Changing out of my dolphin pajama pants and tank top and into my outfit, I pulled my hair into a messy bun and walked out the bathroom door.

Walking down the stairs, I heard someone knocking at the door.

"Coming!" I yelled, making my way down the stairs. I opened the front door with the keys that resided in the bowl near the entrance.

"Hi!" Hilary grinned. She was wearing a red halter top and black tights with a thin silver necklace with an arrow pendant. I was wearing a matching one that we had bought after she broke up with her previous boyfriend a few months ago.

"Hey, we going now?" I opened the door to let dad say hi to Hilary.

"Where are you girlies going now?" he asked, offering a playful grin.

"Oh, just to check out some guys," she replied, twirling her hair around her finger.

I rolled my eyes, "We're going out for brunch, dad. I'll be back soon, don't worry." I kissed him on the cheek and waved as I pulled a pair of black boots on, hopping out the door.

"Let's go get some boys," she winked, starting to walk down the road.


"Where is he?" Hilary sighed, sitting down at one of the tables in the corner.

I glanced over my shoulder while pulling out the chair opposite to her, "Over there." I jerked my head in the direction of the guy she had been eyeing for the past few weeks.

He was good looking, I'll admit that. He had medium length black hair and beautiful grey eyes. Under his café uniform the outline of the toned muscles were visible and there was tattoos peeking out from his rolled up sleeves on his arms... And he was coming over to our table.

I panicked for a second before realizing he wanted to take our order.

"What can I get you guys?" his voice was smooth and low, it made me want to fall asleep.

"Hil, you order first," I said, inspecting the menu.

"What do you recommend?" she asked, tilting her head with a smile on her lips.

He moved over to her side and my stomach turned over. "The flapjacks are pretty good," he said, a tone of amusement at the back of his throat. He pointed to a spot on the menu.

"Sure, I'll get that," Hilary smiled, warmly. She reached out her hand to settle on his bare forearm. I saw a shock go through her as she slumped in her chair. He looked just as alarmed as I did and cursed under his breath.

"Hil? Hil, are you okay?" I squeaked, standing up and making my way around the table, pushing him out of the way. I put my hands on her face, her eyes closed. "Hil?" I whispered, tears springing to my eyes. Quickly, I moved my fingers down to her pulse. Still there. I fumbled with my phone and called an ambulance, the whispers of the café were muted as I spoke to the person with a shaky voice.

After I composed myself, I turned around to the cute waiter and said, angrily, "What the hell did you do to her?"

© 2015 blackcayne

Author's Note

please review!

My Review

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Hello Blackcayne,

Well I wasn't expecting that twist in the end! Certainly spiced things up for me. It made me click previous chapter instantly and as I expected there is something violent and mysterious to this story, which I like (well not per se as a person, but a reader - you get what I mean). Good job, I'll add the next chapter to my reading list, although I slightly expect that if the story will be focussing on two girls looking for cute boys, you will lose me along the way somewhere.



@followsesame on Twitter

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 9, 2015
Last Updated on July 9, 2015
Tags: romance, crane, ione, cute, shock, hilary




A student that writes for leisure. enjoys the occasional thriller/horror but prefers romance. paperback books are always the best way to read books. Feel free to message me c: hopefully I'll be a .. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by blackcayne

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by blackcayne

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by blackcayne