The Lessons of Job

The Lessons of Job

A Story by Norma M Sutton

Job 19:14 -18


When family fails me

Friends forget me

i feel like a foreigner in my own home

i think of Job

When loved ones seem to turn against me

When friends judge me

i think of Job

i know my Creator loves me

i know the my Redeemer lives

Who am i to judge

Judgment is His

Even in death this spirit lives on

Though this body dies this spirit will live and see God

He will judge me fairly

i know who saves me

He looks past my feelings of guilt

Though i'm unworthy He loves me

This i know. When all fails me

i think of Job

© 2010 Norma M Sutton

My Review

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Who or what is job? This was a very well writne poem. I enjoy non-rhyming ones normaly, so you caught my attention with this. :) Good job!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 25, 2010
Last Updated on April 25, 2010


Norma M Sutton
Norma M Sutton

Bostic, NC

Norma Moore Sutton has written and published two children's books: The First Lamb and Harry Goes To The Fair She has written and published the first book in the Haunting Memories Series: Matthe.. more..
