Tags : dancers

Born of Serenity

Born of Serenity

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

The sky dancers' dance, for the flower's grace, angel tears by chance, falls upon a new born's face.


A Poem by Chelsea

The dance of friendship.
The Dancer

The Dancer

A Poem by John Dennis Gillespie

Drugs, Dancers, and Dawning Situations
New Year

New Year

A Poem by zainul

I wish for a perfect new year
Dancers in the Dark

Dancers in the Dark

A Poem by Aura Inanna

Find the courage to fight for what you believe in, and although you may at first fail you will impact the world.
Typical New York ride home

Typical New York ride home

A Story by john Robinson

Coming home from work on the subway.
Las Bailarinas

Las Bailarinas

A Poem by Anastasia Harper

An Original Poem by Anastasia E. Harper This poem was an attempt to imitate the style of poetry found in S.P. Somtow's books, The Riverrun Trilogy...