Tags : journey

Love stories and sad songs

Love stories and sad songs

A Poem by Mrudula Rani

Love stories and sad songs with sweet melodies, give flight to desolate thoughts. For magic of make believe isn't only for the innocent. Love s..
If Found, Please Read

If Found, Please Read

A Book by creepersjeepers

Claire has decided to run away from her life with the end goal being to commit suicide. Along the way she meets new people, has new life experiences, ..


A Story by Shubhangi

In the making
The Legend of Iona

The Legend of Iona

A Book by Jackie

They weren't really needed back in the five kingdoms; what better people to try and find the Goddess Iona? It won't be too bad if they don't make it b..
                                                    A Second Chance


A Poem by angel

The most difficult journey and the silent is broken. Stand in the sight of God a second chance. Stand and be proud and invite him in.
The Urge to Wonder

The Urge to Wonder

A Poem by Scott Thomas

Up the hill I stagger;Fatigue Heaving with every breath Seasons changing with meMy legs chop their way through;Broken Climbing against the density Hea..


A Story by Peter Rogerson

An odd journey on a modern coach.
An exploration of the self

An exploration of the self

A Poem by OneDayOneChapter

Given theme: Love What I wrote about: Bad pasts and journeys to learn to love yourself
A candle of Love

A candle of Love

A Poem by Will Neill

A poem about a man who finally finds true love after years of loneliness
Flaws & Choices!

Flaws & Choices!

A Poem by Onlyme

Each and every one of us.All have human flaws. No one is perfect.As we all know!But the characteristics, of our very own downfalls.Makeus all uniquea..
A Deserted Land

A Deserted Land

A Poem by Sudipta Dash

The poem tells the story of a journey - the journey of Life. It gives an insight of the harsh reality of the selfish world we live in.


A Poem by Amanda Trerotola

My SweetHome New JerseyHow can I forget the pain you left in my heartFrom dusting soil off my mothers graveto the countless times' life tore me apartM..
That Night

That Night

A Poem by Amanda Trerotola

This poem may be triggering to some who have recovered from self-harm or are going through it. View at your discretion.
Diary of a Traveler

Diary of a Traveler

A Book by Trqasma

In which he shared all the lessons he learned throughout his journey
Diary of a Traveler

Diary of a Traveler

A Chapter by Trqasma

#Diary of a Traveler# �-� Great work requires great and persistent effort for a long time .So just be patient ߝ..


A Poem by Onlyme

the golden goose for mewould be true contentmentwithin mewithpeaceharmonyand love 24/7 until the dayI diesadlylifedoes notwork that wayyour time on ea..