Tags : oregon

Chapter 1:  946.7 Miles

Chapter 1: 946.7 Miles

A Chapter by Dave Weber

The basketball-playing protagonist prepares for a crucial game vs the team his friends and family wanted him to play for while agonizing over a lack o..
Chapter 2:  An Addiction, An Excuse

Chapter 2: An Addiction, An Excuse

A Chapter by Dave Weber

The character -- eventually he has a name -- is relieved at a victory in a bitter rivalry game, ponders the conflict between his religion, love for hi..
Chapter 4:  Bang, Zoom!

Chapter 4: Bang, Zoom!

A Chapter by Dave Weber

The main character makes a powerful connection to Anna while at the same time discovering troubling news about his hometown girlfriend from visiting f..
I Was Your Gypsy

I Was Your Gypsy

A Poem by daninstockholm

a poem after Mr. Leonard Cohen, mentioning a place or two in Portland, Oregon, my hometown. an adult theater and the Columbia River
The Day it Snowed

The Day it Snowed

A Story by Mikahli

How can you know if someone loves you? I could guess, predict, fantasies...but I could never know. Just like I couldn't have guessed that it would sno..
The Bundy-onians Are On the March Again !

The Bundy-onians Are On the March Again !

A Story by Easter3

Some themes and schemes just don't bear repeatin'.......
A New Beginning

A New Beginning

A Story by Krizzy

I never wanted to leave this place and, in a manner of speaking, I guess I never will.
The Air Between Us

The Air Between Us

A Story by Hopeless Thespian

Through the haze in her mind, a demisexual woman fights her own fiction to reach something more beautiful than the Oregon beach she's on.
Oregon Memories

Oregon Memories

A Poem by Andrew Anderson

A memory so vivid and so close. Like a tattoo that's with you forever.
Oregon Coast Haiku

Oregon Coast Haiku

A Poem by Gabriel M. Cooper

Beauty still shines through the daunting and intimidating look of the rolling clouds.


A Poem by gabiaimee

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 1..
Portland Postcard

Portland Postcard

A Poem by Anna

The lavender evening is still climbing down the branches as we speak;the hot tea I stare into is staring back at me with words I could say.And you hav..
Jeremy Christian

Jeremy Christian

A Story by Jostein Kasse

Upon first visiting Oregon I had found it pleasing to learn that the state was considered a liberal state. I wouldn’t have become involved ..
A Fish Tail

A Fish Tail

A Story by Jostein Kasse

I had been studying Neuroscience and Psychology courses online with Yale and MIT and HarvardX, I spent many days and hours studying Dr David Cox&rsqu..
Madonna's Most Controversial Fashion Moments

Madonna's Most Controversial Fashion Moments

A Story by Jostein Kasse

It appears amazing to me how the followers and fans seem unable to see, understand and decode her imagery and her language, why do they not know what..
Man Arena

Man Arena

A Story by Jostein Kasse

The title's supposed to be Manchester Arena, for whatever reason it won't allow me to type it. Maybe it doesn't agree with the word chest?


A Chapter by Jostein Kasse

Jeremy Christian was a police-state profileconcerninga British immigrantcreated by Portland police, and in conjunction with the Oregonian news media..
Fifty Shades of Old Trapper

Fifty Shades of Old Trapper

A Chapter by Jostein Kasse

On the day I got out of jail a man fell from the highest peak of Mount Hood. I stumbled back to an empty flat and saw two weeks’ notice attach..