Abominable Dante : Writing



A Poem by Abominable Dante

You only touched me in public; put an arm around my shoulders when everyone was looking. But your fingers razed my flesh; acid fin..


A Poem by Abominable Dante

Screened walls form a wide latticework of white, three sides open off the house. The towering oak groans in the gusts, its chorus..
Driver, VA

Driver, VA

A Poem by Abominable Dante

Hailstones in April; the cruel weather makes its last stand. How will the old structures remain, with such battery against their slat..


A Poem by Abominable Dante

A Baptists’ utterance of life after death brought to mind a vision of your blackened, withered fingers clawing the i..
The Wake

The Wake

A Poem by Abominable Dante

Who are these people? I, reverted to the age of seven, cower behind the armchair in a dim corner of the funeral home. If ..