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Perth, Australia
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I'll spend the rest of my valentines days alone.

As the sun rises over the ocean, I look and wonder what it would feel like to be as beautiful as the sun. As i feel the warmth of it on my face, I wonder what it would be like to be as warm and gentle as the sun.
As the clouds wonder across the sky, i sit and look up, fumbling with something in my jeans. Then i wonder, what it would be like to be a cloud, with nothing on its mind, and light as a feather. The ideal weight, and veiw of the world, and all the flying and seeing i would get.
When the Moon rises i sigh, at how pure and stunningly beautiful it is. Then i wonder how i could be like that, and have a soul that does not have tainted lines.
But, when i lay down and think of it all; it occurs to me.
The sun as gentle as it is, can harm and burn people, if they get too much. The clouds, as light and nimble as they seem, can often bring rain. and finally the Moon, and pure and beautiful as it is, has the craters which mark out each induvidual flaw.
And then suddenly, things dont seem that bad.
Do they?

That was just something that I randomly wrote, in an attempt to cheer myself up i guess. Im 14, and I want to write more, and improve my skills. I was recommended to this site, by a few friends, and I'm not sure what to think of it at the moment. Lets just hope for the best.