Alusat_Pagtesm : Writing

A Time for War

A Time for War

A Poem by Alusat_Pagtesm

I came home on a bus filled with disturbed men.They, too, had seen gruesome events that led most to insanity.We all still rememberfeeling bullets fly ..
A Special Kind

A Special Kind

A Poem by Alusat_Pagtesm

It's a love poem to my girlfriend.
The Demon in the Hole

The Demon in the Hole

A Story by Alusat_Pagtesm

This is a story about a man who is sentenced to solitary confinement for the next ten months. His only companion is the spirit that haunts his cell.
The Lambs and Goats

The Lambs and Goats

A Story by Alusat_Pagtesm

I was inspired by Dante Alighieri's "Inferno" and I started to brainstorm ideas of what to work on here.