Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Naomi Montana Walsh : Writing

What are you?

What are you?

A Poem by Naomi Montana Walsh

I think I am addressing my own worries in this one and how they never make a lot of sense and seem more a distraction
I know too much about you

I know too much about you

A Poem by Naomi Montana Walsh

written long ago..revised a little
Aperture .. waiting for the right time

Aperture .. waiting for the right time

A Poem by Naomi Montana Walsh

I have always like that thought of the aperture.. that moment when the light gets inside and a picture can be taken
Sleep or Poetry

Sleep or Poetry

A Poem by Naomi Montana Walsh

Oh.. nothing but an early morning poem
Juliet's Moon

Juliet\'s Moon

A Poem by Naomi Montana Walsh

I wrote this many years ago..I must have been written it for someone , but I forget now who.
The BAD News

The BAD News

A by Naomi Montana Walsh

I sometimes .have to step back from the news and see the other side of things
3 poems , I memorized

3 poems , I memorized

A Story by Naomi Montana Walsh

What I learned about poetry from poetry
I missed a sigh

I missed a sigh

A Poem by Naomi Montana Walsh

too busy to cry
The lost Poetry of Naomi

The lost Poetry of Naomi

A Poem by Naomi Montana Walsh

I lose poetry it slips away while I am busy , sleeping, eating , driving, working etcetera. It travels across the vast landscapes of imagination..
Broken Glass

Broken Glass

A Story by Naomi Montana Walsh

A short story , about addiction