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About Me

I don't write much. I've done short stories before. Sometimes I get ideas and usually I wouldn't have enough to write it but sometimes I think I can.

I really came on here just to write one story.
But it may not make since because it won't be detailed enough.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

- To feel the power of love in our lifetime can be one of the most beautiful, significant, and life-changing events that we experience as a soul. When the energy of love is in our presence, we can sense it moving within us. Somehow, this emotion has a way of showing us we're connected to something much larger than ourselves. If we're loved, then we feel safe. Likewise, if we're in a loving environment, we feel nurtured. We tend to cherish our animals, our creative work, the Earth, and being out in nature - or, in fact, anything that makes our heart and soul sing. Love can soothe, comfort, uplift, and heal us. Our soul cares for us and wants nothing in return - its love is unconditional.

- by John Holland