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Atlanta, GA
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About Me

I have a blog called Desultory Philippic.

Desultory (des-uhl-tohr-ee: moving or jumping from one thing to another; occurring in a random or incidental way; haphazard)

Philippic (fi-lip-ik: an oration or declamation full of bitter and accusatory invective, named after the orations of Demosthenes attacking Philip of Macedon).

In other words, my blog is a long, rambling rant.

So, a little about me.

I'm High Priestess of a large (by Wiccan standards) coven in the metro Atlanta area. No, I did not just read a book and proclaim myself to be august. I worked hard, studied, and earned this position, unlike some young IREADAs I've read on the net (I Read A book and now I know everything). Wow, how did they stack up all that life experience so quickly?!

I have a scientific background, a BS Degree in Geology, with minors in Physics and Mathematics. While not of genius level, I have more than cotton between my ears. I focus that scientific lens on spiritual as well as political matters. I want proof. No proof? It ain't necessarily real.

On a more personal note, I knit. A lot. Yeah, I know. Crazy! My poor husband is continually trying to corral all my string, which is very similar to herding cats. So far, he has done an admirable job, but yarn, like guitars and rabbits, tends to accumulate and breed.

Speaking of guitars, we have 10. My husband plays more than I do, and he's darned good at it. Me, I piddle around on the guitar mostly. I get up in front of people every once in a while, when I have a darned good reason, like if someone chases me. Other than that, my poor PRS gathers dust.

I hunt wild mushrooms. No, not those kind. My family makes me eat them first to make sure they aren't poison. If I haven't been rushed to the emergency room within 3 days, they'll eat what I pick.

I have a rabbit for a pet. No, not dust bunnies (though I have those, too), a real one. She's quite entertaining, so I will probably bore you senseless with her antics. Like the time she stole a cheese stick out of my mouth...O! and she loves ham sandwiches, too. Beware carnivorous my husband can attest (that's another story - ask sometime).

I'm 48 years old and the only thing I trust my government to do is f**k things up and lie to me. My intention for my blog is to write about things that interest me, irritate me, fascinate me, or make me want to find a tower and a high-powered rifle. Not that I would ever do that, but we can have fantasies, right? I will mostly write about the convergence of politics and religion. Or rather, the abuse of politics by religion. I'm not going to ram my spiritual beliefs down your throat, and I don't expect you to use the police powers of state to choke me on yours. As my daughter so wisely stated: "Treat religion like your penis; don't show it off in public, and don't shove it down your children's throats."