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Cherryfield, ME
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About Me

I am an author of 9 books. Two of which are coming soon. I am disabled. I am a 44 yr. old mother of a 19 yr. old boy. I am happily married and live in Downeast Maine in a small town called Cherryfield. I am an editor and a reviewer. I offer editing services at a modest reviews are FREE. I am a professional, unbiased reviewer. I have a site at for FREE advertising for authors which I do in my spare time to help other authors. FREE means FREE. You do a book submission or an Author Spotlight and I do the rest. Please visit the site to make a submission for a book or books, an author spotlight, a free review or for editing services. As for editing I have over 17 years experience in doing this and love reading so I enjoy both editing and reviewing in my spare time. Take care, Anastasia.