Jace Fox

Jace Fox


trying to get back into the game

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About Me

About me

Obsessed with anime, video games and manga, I'm a girl with her head in Wonderland but her feet on the ground.

Fan of dystopian fiction I hope to one day create my own epic series of Dystopian fiction that will leave the reader begging for more and wondering what if.
I love writing, art, and music as well. I like creating things but my sewing machine seems to be a device of torture.

I have a unique personality and a strange sense of humor. I like meeting new people but I can come off as standoffish or aloof. Once you get past the crusty exterior you have a friend for life.

There are crazy cat ladies and then there is me the crazy ferret lady. I share my home/workspace with my dog Hannibal, a cat named Clarice, four bunnies and four kleptomaniac ferrets.
Find me on instagram under the name Jacey_devillefatale

I will definitely be updating things as I go lol

Where you can find me
My web page
My Blog
My personal facebook page