Azalas : Writing

Goin' Camping

Goin' Camping

A Chapter by Azalas

Jeff had invited me to go on a camping trip with him in the forest. He also invited Marcy and Amber as well. They both agreed, I did too. I was ..
Goin Camping Part 2

Goin Camping Part 2

A Chapter by Azalas

We arrived at the forest and Jeff parked the van by our camping spot. He got out and I got out as well. I opened the door for Marcy and Amber as ..
The Unlucky Wilsons

The Unlucky Wilsons

A Chapter by Azalas

We arrived at the forest and Jeff parked the van by our camping spot. He got out and I got out as well. I opened the door for Marcy and Amber as t..
The Smell of Nature

The Smell of Nature

A Chapter by Azalas

When we arrived back at the town Jeff dropped me off at my house. Marcy and Amber got out as well. They went to their home. I went inside my house aft..
Ambient Feelings

Ambient Feelings

A Book by Azalas

Mark works at a convenience store where he meets one of the local customers Amber, they begin to fall for one another but each time they get close to ..
Writing Is Like Magic

Writing Is Like Magic

A Poem by Azalas

This is more of a short story than a poem but I wrote this in just a few minutes and I caught the hearts of a few people on facebook and Eliteskills....

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