Barbara J. Smith

Barbara J. Smith


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Buck Hill Falls, PA
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About Me

I recently retired from Princeton University because of my husband's job relocation. Finally I had a little extra time and energy on my hands and channeled it to the writing I'd always hoped to do. As a long-time editor I have always dabbled in writing, but now that I have grandchildren and some time, I put my skills to a test. My first children's book, A Surprise for Grandmother Rabbit, was recently published by Tate Publishing. I'm in the marketing stage right now and found marketing is a lot harder than I ever dreamed! But I'm also working on a sequel to Skipper's adventures and I'm having fun!


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Good news! Bad News! Well, let�s start with the bad news. When my book, A Surprise for Grandmother Rabbit was released in June, the eLIVE audio version was also supposed to be available at the same time. Unbeknownst to me (or to my publisher apparently), the reader had finished it but never uploaded it. Well, the reader is no longer employed at Tate Publishers. When we realized what had happened, the publisher assigned another reader to record the audio.
The good news is that the new reader, Josh Kilbourne, did a great job and the audio is now officially available. So, for any of you who have purchased the book, you may download a free copy of the audio version by following the eLIVE instructions inside the back cover.
I apologize for this delay in the audio but hope you and the children for whom you purchased the book enjoy Josh�s take on Skipper�s adventures. Again, I�d like to thank you all for supporting me in this venture.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

" No birth certificate is issued when friendship is born.
There is nothing tangible.
There is just a feeling that your life is
different and that your capacity to love and care has
miraculously been enlarged with out any effort on your part.
It's like having a tiny apartment and somebody moves in with you.
But instead of becoming cramped and crowded, the space expands,
and you discover rooms you never knew you had
until your friend moved in with you."

-- Steve Tesich