Darkmistress : Writing

A Time of Unhappiness

A Time of Unhappiness

A Poem by Darkmistress

There was a time where all I wanted to was die because life wasn't worth livingI was only twelve, I should have been enjoying my child hood not thinki..
The first appearence

The first appearence

A Chapter by Darkmistress

Kelissa smiles shyly at the people that walk by knowing she cant tell anyone after all if she did it would cost her, everything, and she knows that sh..
Her smile

Her smile

A Poem by Darkmistress

the love one can have for another


A Poem by Darkmistress

I see you staring at me, you can't get me to move any faster,see I tick to time,I stick with a certain rhyme,its not a crime you have your job and I h..


A Poem by Darkmistress

You pull me close, and my heart thumps faster, and fasteryou whisper "I love you", and your hand cups my face,your your dark pink lips interlock with ..
Foster care, age 5

Foster care, age 5

A Poem by Darkmistress

The bright lights flash red, blue,shes runs hiding so young and pure not sure what she did wrong, hiding and shaking, scared,they find her, her heart ..