r. f. jordan

r. f. jordan


how to be new again, breathe

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About Me

i am seeking sound.


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Posted 8 Years Ago

sound is never where you think it is

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Posted 8 Years Ago

"I am certain
I speak a new language

as is always the first sign
of a new age"

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Posted 8 Years Ago

please be patient while i attempt to catch up on reviews i feel i owe. my productivity level with new pieces flowing out of me is through the roof. so, it may take a while...i wont post anything new, thought, until i feel i'm caught up...thanks--rfj

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Holy Christ people love jerking you off in your comments section. You attract a lot of vapid little flies with your intellectual honey. I suppose I'm one of them... you'll f**k it up though. Everyone always f***s it up eventually.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

just popping by to say hi...that's about the heights of my writing these days :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

. just wanted to say hello and share this song with you ... it moves me to tears each time i hear it ... hope you like it ... for all the reasons that i do ... maybe ...

- serah

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Been meaning to come by to make certain you didn't make good your threat to withold from us. You know you created a bit of an uprising by that amongst your pals here. So - just dropping in to check your stats.. make certain you are still here. Doing your thing. Yep! You are. So... thank you :)

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Posted 12 Years Ago

for the great review.. I'm very grateful that you enjoyed reading me..xo

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Posted 12 Years Ago

R.j. Saddened to hear your comments. Please... There are so many here inspired to be.... better and reach higher .... because of your treatment and arrangement of words. Know this - when I read yours, I find myself wanting to dig deeper. You are, as one of the better poets here, a teacher on this site of writers for writers. Not one of us better than any other, but surely there are those here from whom we can all learn. I count you in that crowd. Though i cannot speak for any other, THAT is one of the reasons I settled in here after stumbling upon the cafe. Hope you change your mind. If not, well cheers my friend, and thank you for all that has come before. Shelley

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Posted 12 Years Ago

hello sir! your reviews are always appreciated, in many ways you show me things in my own writing i did not see before...hope all is well with you.