BrandonTheEnigma : Writing

A new beggining part 2

A new beggining part 2

A Story by BrandonTheEnigma

The dwarves armor clinked and clanked as they hustled along down the trail following the rather odd ranger. "The goblins will hear us coming from a mi..
Remember Dracula

Remember Dracula

A Poem by BrandonTheEnigma

judge if you want i dont give a f**k
A new beggining

A new beggining

A Story by BrandonTheEnigma

some prisoners of the evil Trollikans soon find themselves facing a new beggining
Silent Death

Silent Death

A Poem by BrandonTheEnigma

This is something I wrote plain and simple
When I think of her

When I think of her

A Poem by BrandonTheEnigma

The darkness lifts when I talk to her. I don't fully understand how but she makes me genuinely happy which is strange for me. Can it be that I the Dem..
I want to hide

I want to hide

A Poem by BrandonTheEnigma

More of a gothic fantasy type poem
No one understands

No one understands

A Poem by BrandonTheEnigma

No one understand why I am how I am,They claim to know andunderstand me, How can you understand something unfathomable to your mind?I am what I am and..
Why should I care?

Why should I care?

A Poem by BrandonTheEnigma

Just something I wrote
This Pain I can't bear

This Pain I can't bear

A Poem by BrandonTheEnigma

This is a gothic style poem I wrote

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