BrandonTheEnigma : Writing

The Champion

The Champion

A Chapter by BrandonTheEnigma

In the year 2014 Aries personally sired champion was now age 18. He was tall, strong, athletic, just a natural athlete. Not to mention the fact that h..
The Spark of the World

The Spark of the World

A Book by BrandonTheEnigma

something i trying out
The Ultimate Tournament.

The Ultimate Tournament.

A Story by BrandonTheEnigma

just something I'm trying out
The changing world of relationships

The changing world of relationships

A Poem by BrandonTheEnigma

this is more of a vent on my part
I don't understand how I can be in love

I don't understand how I can be in love

A Poem by BrandonTheEnigma

How can it be? How can it be possible? How can I be in love? The loner. The lone wolf. The forever alone guy. How can I be in love? Apparently I have ..
From the ashes a new flame shall spring

From the ashes a new flame shall spring

A Story by BrandonTheEnigma

Sorry for anyone who was liking a New Beggining. I got bored with all the dialogue and I wanted to take a try at some more modern writing.
How could I be so stupid?

How could I be so stupid?

A Poem by BrandonTheEnigma

How could I have been so stupid? How could I have been such a coward? Somehow I didn't have any courage whatsoever. Me the big guy. Didn't have enough..
Response to the poem "The road not taken"

Response to the poem "The road not taken"

A Story by BrandonTheEnigma

This is a prmpt my English teacher made me write to the poem The Road Not Taken
Chapter 1 A new Life

Chapter 1 A new Life

A Chapter by BrandonTheEnigma

On and on in the cold night air did the dwarven prisoners chop and hack away at the mining tasks that had been assigned to them. No complaints were ..
Chapter 2 A new Ally

Chapter 2 A new Ally

A Chapter by BrandonTheEnigma

The dwarves armor clinked and clanked as they hustled along down the trail following the rather odd ranger. "The goblins will hear us coming from ..