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Concord, NC
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About Me

Anyways, my name is Dylan and I'm seventeen. I love music with a passion and currently play the guitar, tamper with the bass, and write lyrics and poetry. I sure as hell can't sing, but have always considered myself more of a lyricist than a actual guitarist or musician, but still, I try. Guess that�s all that matters, right?

Musically, I love many different genres and styles. I think every style has something to bring to the table that makes it stand out and fit different moods and the like. I prefer classic rock and older heavy metal, but also enjoy blues, psychadelic and acid rock, reggae, older punk, grunge, and some new stuff too, and also a bit of hip hop here and there. Its all in my mood really.

I've been playing guitar on and off for around a year, maybe? I've only been playing seriously a few months. I'm not officially in a band or anything, but me and a good friend are getting something up and running, and I've recorded several little demo songs to put on here. I also play bass and plan to buy a good one eventually, being more of a rhythm guitarist, I find bass to be pretty damn fun.

I'm also taken and happy as hell with it, we're nearing our one year anniversary and I can't wait :D

But yeah, that's me in a nutshell. Feel free to message me or what not, I'm down to talk about anything, politics, religion, music, toothpaste, I don't give a s**t. Just keep it mellow and alls good.