Caileadair : Writing

The Train Ride to Nowhere

The Train Ride to Nowhere

A Poem by Caileadair

The Peace Offering

The Peace Offering

A Poem by Caileadair

from a poetry tag I participate in at AncientWorlds
Absinthe of Desire

Absinthe of Desire

A Poem by Caileadair

banned and branded this absinthe of desire flow blocked, fire banked a redirection roundabout to early retirement it matters and matters de..
untitled trilogy

untitled trilogy

A Book by Caileadair

project I'm considering getting back to :)
a prologue draft

a prologue draft

A Chapter by Caileadair

"Fate does not dictate one's actions, though it sorely tests the ability to exercise free choice. One must dance into the deep well of discernmen..