Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm : Writing

Count the Stars in Silence

Count the Stars in Silence

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Bid farewell to your trust in wealth it can die before your eyes...........
Soft Words Weep in Stillness

Soft Words Weep in Stillness

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

In places where the sunrise accepts forever's gentle fade stand the tears upon a raindrop's face...........
Windowless Door

Windowless Door

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

This proud isolation that I hold myself captive within contains no flowers to brighten its view........
I Will Be There to See

I Will Be There to See

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

I will be in the valley where the sand meets the tree of fire................
Hand of Sorrow

Hand of Sorrow

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

You did not breathe in the eyes that cried............
Internal Battle

Internal Battle

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Can a single cloud breathe in all of the warm air that hails my universe........
No Explanation Needed

No Explanation Needed

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

The moon hangs above two lovers never fading...........
Serenading Your Basis

Serenading Your Basis

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

I am here serenading your roots to become your flowers that adorn............
Hope's Perfume

Hope's Perfume

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Written in response to the tragedy that is happening to a site that I and many others love and adore (stumbleupon)...........but there is always Hope...
Sinking Into the Night

Sinking Into the Night

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Where the world sees my breath wipe away the tears mirroring its pain........