Ben Chaulet

Ben Chaulet


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Luzern, Luzern, Switzerland
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About Me

Born under the vibrant lights of Paris in the 70s, I embarked on a journey that would weave the rich tapestries of French culture, Swiss precision, and the boundless realms of science fiction into the fabric of my life. With a Master's in Marketing and a heart captivated by the speculative tales of Michael Crichton and Philip K. Dick, as well as the cinematic masterpieces of Luc Besson and Spielberg, my path was set towards storytelling.

Since moving to Switzerland in 2008, the stunning landscapes and the diverse cultural encounters have inspired me to pen tales that explore life beyond the familiar. My writing delves into the experiences of an expat and dances with the themes of time travel, the supernatural, and the quest for superpowers. Each story is a bridge between the mundane and the extraordinary, reflecting my lifelong yearning to transcend the ordinary through telekinesis, flight, and beyond.

As an avid golfer and hiker, I find solace and inspiration in the tranquility of nature, which often finds its way into the heart of my narratives. My professional background in marketing and multi-level marketing (MLM) has not only shaped my worldly perspectives but also fueled my passion to inspire others. Through my stories, I aim to encourage readers to dream big, step out of their comfort zones, and embrace the transformative power of change.

Currently, I am weaving these threads of imagination, experience, and ambition into my debut work, which I hope will resonate with fellow dreamers and adventurers. Join me in exploring the possibilities that lie just beyond the edge of reality, where the essence of French romance meets the wonder of the unknown.

Stay tuned for the adventures that await and remember, the future is only a page turn away.