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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Um...I've been into writing for a few years now, but have never really done anything of substance. I'm a high school senior with unrealistic expectations of my writing... which is probably my major source of writer's block (which I am currently suffering from)

I love fantasy...including (but not limited) to Harry Potter and Eragon. While most of my writing tends to focus on other worlds, I have toyed with the idea of realistic fiction, but every time I do I end making my main character a little too emo for my tastes.

I've started reading classic literature recently, both for my development as a writer and for school. Jane Austen is just amazing, and the Charlotte Bronte has stolen my heart. I'm moving on to Tolstoy (So many Russian names!) and very cautiously taking on Dickens.

I'm also slightly obsessed with Wicked the Musical, Bones(the TV series), and Miyazaki masterpieces.

Writing is a joy and a pain, and I am immersed in my imagination 85% of the time.