Ceri Louise Baylis

Ceri Louise Baylis


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Dyserth, North Wales, United Kingdom
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About Me

I like writing poetry poems that rhyme
Its an enjoyable way I spend my time
I like doing DIY, art and craft
Drinks with friends and having a laugh
I love camping festivals holidays abroad Music gigs of those I adore
I enjoy walking my dog everyday
Don’t listen to what people say
Hate being told how to behave and what to do
Can empathise with what others go through
Rebel against keeping fit and hate sport
A true life learner all self taught
I am spiritual not religious anymore Religion causes such an up roar
Have belief in the afterlife and aliens too I like learning things of interest to do
im considerably happy more often than not
Always remember what ive previously forgot
Take pride in my work strive to be the best I can be
What you see is what you get just me being me.