Colette : Writing

Untitled as of yet

Untitled as of yet

A Poem by Colette

missing someone


A Poem by Colette

unity in diversity
Matter of Fact

Matter of Fact

A Poem by Colette

A long one about the demise of our economy
New Age Nostalgia

New Age Nostalgia

A Poem by Colette

This is like a conversation between 2 sides of the brain from past and present, can be read from top to bottom or as 2 separate poems--1 left aligned,..
Day of the Dead / Night of the Devil

Day of the Dead / Night of the Devil

A Poem by Colette

a Halloween experience


A Poem by Colette

A challenge for the Almost Dead Poets Society to title a poem THIRTEEN DAYS, and include the first 13 words used in's Word of the Day ..
A Poem for the Lost Boys

A Poem for the Lost Boys

A Poem by Colette

they just don't get IT
Upon Reading Allen Ginsberg's Green Valentine Blues

Upon Reading Allen Ginsberg's Green Valentine Blue..

A Poem by Colette

Poetry challenge for the Almost Dead Poets read Allen Ginsberg, and write in his vein
March Madness

March Madness

A Poem by Colette

more of those whiskey dick woes
Our Scars

Our Scars

A Poem by Colette

flashbacks, and how they cripple our future. *inspired by the film Black Snake Moan

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