M.D Leon : Writing

Chapter 1: Hex Omega

Chapter 1: Hex Omega

A Chapter by M.D Leon

The piercing glow of the neon moon illuminated the restless waves of the ocean. Crashing one after the other into the pyramid far across the sea. An ..
Neon Moon

Neon Moon

A Book by M.D Leon

Impure Perfection in Pure Deciet

Impure Perfection in Pure Deciet

A Poem by M.D Leon

Rambling of the mind
Melodies In the Fog

Melodies In the Fog

A Poem by M.D Leon

The product of the mind
Abstractions from the Latin Heart

Abstractions from the Latin Heart

A Poem by M.D Leon

A homage to the eternally beautiful
Act I: Illusions of Peace

Act I: Illusions of Peace

A Chapter by M.D Leon

Eternal Melody Act I: Illusions of Peace So calm, so peaceful The rain So deep, so hidden The pain Breaking away the memories of yesterday Ju..
Eternal Melody

Eternal Melody

A Book by M.D Leon

A short story told in poetry, of love, death, loss and absolution.
Hymn for Emancipation

Hymn for Emancipation

A Poem by M.D Leon

Hymn for Emancipation Take a look at your people Lord; see the demons within Why are we so afraid of the dark? Why are we so afraid to love? ..
Prayer to a Love Song

Prayer to a Love Song

A Poem by M.D Leon

Prayer to a Love Song Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling c..


A Chapter by M.D Leon

We meet Toni our protagonist who's got many things to hide

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