Typhoid Kelsey : Writing



A Poem by Typhoid Kelsey

My friend is leaving for the army. I try to understand it.
I dread to wait.

I dread to wait.

A Poem by Typhoid Kelsey

My friend is leaving for the army. I try to understand it.
Give Yourself Up

Give Yourself Up

A Poem by Typhoid Kelsey

My friend is leaving for the military. I try to understand it.
It's just the Bipolar talking.

It\'s just the Bipolar talking.

A Story by Typhoid Kelsey

In my head, in my head.


A Poem by Typhoid Kelsey

Mature only because it deals with self-mutilation, but not in graphic detail.
Children Are Easy to Warp.

Children Are Easy to Warp.

A Story by Typhoid Kelsey

An example of the consequences of my imagination that occured when I was a kidlet.
Scheme of the Glorified Architect.

Scheme of the Glorified Architect.

A Poem by Typhoid Kelsey

If you have the option, don't do a job you hate.
Panic Attack

Panic Attack

A Poem by Typhoid Kelsey

I woke up in the middle of the night having a panic attack for the first time in years.
Bicycle Vikings: From Odin to Armstrong

Bicycle Vikings: From Odin to Armstrong

A Poem by Typhoid Kelsey

A friend and I decided to make a "band" called Bicycle Vikings. This would be the first "single."
Isn't it terrible?

Isn\'t it terrible?

A Poem by Typhoid Kelsey

Isn't it terrible how the people that are supposed to be close to you ruin your life as they ruin themselves?

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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