Dimitrix Lykaios

Dimitrix Lykaios


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About Me

Well for starters, my real name is Kegan, but I prefer being called Dimitrix. I'm going to be seventeen this may, and I'm a junior in high school.
I caught the fever of writing while I was in the sixth grade or so, and I haven't stopped since. Don't worry, I've improved. I also love music and art. I draw and I know how to play a bit of piano, though I wish I knew more, and I really love photography, though as of now, the camera I have isn't that good, but I'll be working on it. I love nature and nighttime, and it often times inspires me to write.
As far as my family life goes, my parents are divorced, and I live with my mom. I happen to be the second oldest, next to my older brother, Aaron. My relationship with my biological father is confusing, to say the least, so I won't delve into that, but I was raised by Aaron's real father, and my first step-father. I have four younger siblings, Sarah, Emily, Tori and Jesse. And yes, Jesse is a beautiful, bright young boy who acts just like me.
As I said before, I like to draw, and I'm into art a lot. I can't color, but I'm improving at painting, so that's always good.
I also love to sing, but I can't in front of other people, go figure. My cousin and myself are currently working on a story together, his idea really, I just help write it, and I help him come up with characters and little twists to put in there along the way. We also create art to put throughout the story as we go along. It'll be great!
Well, I guess there really isn't that much more to say. If you want to know more, message and ask, I don't bite hard, I swear.


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Posted 17 Years Ago