Ryan McAuley : Writing

Revenge on a Vampire

Revenge on a Vampire

A Story by Ryan McAuley

sequel to Marco's Beginning
The Train of Thought

The Train of Thought

A Story by Ryan McAuley

I sat there in the passenger car, rocking back and forth as the train sped along it’s tracks. I had my own separate room, which I preferred. Lic..
I'm sorry

I\'m sorry

A Poem by Ryan McAuley

I apologize to all those who thought they knew me. I present myself as a mere shadow of my true being. I silently watch over everyone, being the g..
Vampire's Kiss

Vampire's Kiss

A Story by Ryan McAuley

Marco crept around the mansion, keeping an eye out for any unwanted guards, human or animal. His plans would come to fruition tonight. Peering around ..


A Story by Ryan McAuley

“George,” the whisper shattered the silence into thousands of piercing shards of glass, stabbing his ears. “Wake up.” He tried..
the Ants Go Marching

the Ants Go Marching

A Story by Ryan McAuley

my take on an old rhyme
Writer's Block

Writer's Block

A Story by Ryan McAuley

“Bring out the Writer’s Block!” Justin looked up as the cry rang through the city. This would be the fourth writer they had killed t..
A taste of things to come...

A taste of things to come...

A Story by Ryan McAuley

something I had been hoping to have done by last Halloween, but cant seem to get back in to the swing of writing it.
Manolito the Mouse

Manolito the Mouse

A Story by Ryan McAuley

a piece of writing inspired by real events


A Poem by Ryan McAuley

Yesterday never was, while tomorrow never can be. Today and now always will be. Now is in the past for you as it takes time to realize now is now,..