Dream_on : Writing

Whose Holding You Now

Whose Holding You Now

A Poem by Dream_on

I wonder whose holding you now Does he treat you better than me if so then how You left me cause I wanted to put you in white It's ironic so many w..
Time takes

Time takes

A Poem by Dream_on

How long does time take Will it be here if I go to sleep then awake When did time start Was it the first beat of the human heart Time is a ter..
The Past

The Past

A Poem by Dream_on

Why does the past haunt you When did it die who knew If you could talk to the past what would you say Would you ask why is your life this way W..
Hope Deferred

Hope Deferred

A Poem by Dream_on

Hope it gives us strength when we have none Its exactly what you need to get the job done So tell me have you heard What happens when hope is defer..
Is Love a Game

Is Love a Game

A Poem by Dream_on

When did the game begin Is love some game you try to win When did something so pure become so wrong Was this your plan all along. Don't you know..
Don't Let Tomorrow Come

Don't Let Tomorrow Come

A Poem by Dream_on

Where have you gone, Where did it all go wrong, Just yesterday you made everything seem so right, Baby why have you left my sight, I gave you wo..