Know That I Too
We are never alone (a poem for mental health month)
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Karim A

Karim A


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Derby & London, United Kingdom
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me


I'm Karim, known to my friends as "Kayz" I was born and raised in London till I was 11. In the early part of 2001 we moved to The Netherlands where I remained for four years before moving back to London.
My story writing goes back to the early years of primary school. We had to write stories, to present before the class. I never liked school, but I remember writing stories in class, where I left the ordinary world and entered into my own personal world. I was a god when it came to story writing, I mean you created your very own characters, and determined their lives.

I always received positive feedback for my stories and the highest scores.

As I entered my teenage years, my story writing began to decline as I focused more on the usual teenage pursuits, you know, girls, friends, and partying.

However, this was not the end of my writing. As I grew up, I began to experience and learn a great deal. I decided to share my experiences, both good and bad in my short novels.

My novels usually hold a message, and vary in genre and audience. Some are for the younger audience, some for the teenage, and some for the mature audience. I hope you canal find something totals from my writing.