Elder Bonnie

Elder Bonnie


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Greenville, IL
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About Me

Hello there.
I'm Lisa.
I've been writing stories since I was six years old (though I've never actually finished one). Over the last few years I've turned more to journaling, mainly due to the fact that I haven't felt inspired enough to keep writing as of late. I've had trouble with getting work started. I'm great at coming up with all these awesome ideas and creating characters and worlds and cultures for them to live in, but I have trouble coming up with a plot or some sort of transformation for them to go through. And dialogue has always been a weakness of mine... Maybe I should just collaborate with someone? Or something?

Anyway, I am 20 years old and a junior in college. My most exciting plans as of the moment involve traveling to the Middle East during the next two years, specifically to Israel and Cairo. I'm so stoked! I'm staying in town where I go to school over the summer so I can keep working at the movie theatre, and so that I can work full time somewhere else and earn enough money to pay for my trip. I have yet to find that second job, but I trust something will work out.

I am double majoring in History and International/Cross-Cultural Studies, and minoring in Music. I love to travel and I love meeting and learning from people of different cultures, specifically those in the Middle East. I used to love Egyptology, but now I find myself fascinated with the living culture of Egypt, rather than the dead culture from thousands of years ago.

I've recently come into some amazing story ideas, but, per usual, I've been having trouble figuring out where the story should go. I've created and interacted with most of my main characters and I've given them an awesomely detailed world in which to live, but... I don't know what they should do. I'm hoping I can find some fun people to bounce ideas off of :D And get dialogue advice from. That'd be cool.

So, yeah. Nice to meet you! Drop me a line, we can swap story ideas over a virtual cup of coffee.