Emily : Writing



A Poem by Emily

Tears hide behind those pretty eyes, Sobs behind that pretty smile. A broken heart is hidden in that pretty chest. Visible to only those who care t..
Night Musings

Night Musings

A Story by Emily

A glimpse into my nights as of late. About a boy who ended his life and took a little bit of my heart when he left.
The Path Less traveled

The Path Less traveled

A Poem by Emily

For Christian. I miss you
To Be Remembered

To Be Remembered

A Poem by Emily

He always wanted to be remembered. He always wanted people to know his name. He was the boy who played with fire. He was the boy who watched the ..
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Emily

My mom is a mythology professor at the University near our home. Ever since I was a baby she told me stories about Faeries. Most people called them t..
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Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Emily

I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't feel. But none of it seemed to matter. I was comfortably cocooned in the abyss I ..
Dreams of Peace

Dreams of Peace

A Poem by Emily

I have had multiple friends tell me that theyve been thinking about suicide lately and this poem was inspired by what they've told me as well as other..
Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

A Book by Emily

My mom is a mythology professor at the University near our home. Ever since I was a baby she told me stories about Faeries. Most people called them..
Never Again

Never Again

A Poem by Emily

This isnt really a poem just a rant.
I am me

I am me

A Poem by Emily

I'm just me. The girl with the constant smile and the overloud laugh. The girl who stays in the backround but secretly wishes to be noticed. ..

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