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About Me

hey everyone! :) I'm a newbie here.. soo a bit of help here and there might be needed ^^
Here's a few facts about me:
.I'm a girl. :)
.You can call me Ikah
. I love mango! XD
.I'm 17 (almost)

.I LOVE Japanese culture! I'm trying to find out as much as i can about it. If you're Japanese or know the language.....o_o.. Would you teach me some Japanese, pleeeease?? I'm serious! I'll trade it for reviews or anything else you'd like! Just comment or message me ,please!

.I looove writing, and I'd like to make my writings public to get feedback on them and find out what I need to improve. I appreciate critics very much, they're the fuel that keep me going on to write more and I encourage you to point out any kind of mistakes you happen to come across in my stories.Just.. please don't bash them for no reason.

.I've never eaten seafood >.<

.I'm pretty shy and because of that many of the things I'd like to speak out remain untold... and I guess that's one of the reasons why I enjoy writing, it's my outlet one way or another, and I just love to disconnect from the world for a few minutes and escape in a place of my own ^^ ( not to mention that it's FUN! xD)

. I usually write long stories... novels with a lot of chapters... because I just haven't found a way to shrink all my ideas and everything I want to say to fit in between limits that make it short enough to be called 'short story'. >_< ...I know.. I have soo much to learn, but that's what I'm here for ^^

.Favorite genre:...drama, I suppose?....but I haven't really given anything else a try, so.....so far drama is the only thing I do ^^.. I plan on experimenting a lot around here, though ^^

.My biggest flaw in writing: I'm laaaazzyyyy! It takes me pretty much to finish up one chapter... though part of the blame goes to my writer's block too >.>

.Besides writing I enjoy drawing too, and listening to music ( especially cello music - example of band that plays cello- Apocalyptica). I especially love drawing my own characters. Actually seeing them taking shape under my pencil's strokes is an amazing thing for me and it motivates me. >3<

.I'm a detail freak. I have this fetish for good laid out details and subtilities . Sometimes I think I go so far that I'm the only person that could ever pick up the subtle things I leave in my stories. xD... yea.. i'm fixing that at the moment. also I love doing descriptions... I like them.. but I don't know how good they actually are from the reader's point of view.....>.> I'd appreciate your objective opinion on that ^^ My English vocabulary, though, probably won't be one of the best you've ever seen >.<... I'm not a native English speaker... so I try to do my best and improve it as much as I can, as fast as I can. I'm sorry for any mistakes that might occur in that area. ^^

. Also another thing I'd like to mention is that [I'm radom!!..*ahem* sorry..read on XD] ..I like to critique just as much as I like to be critiqued ^^ so all you have to do is ask for a critique and it's done.^^ Or if i'm too busy at that moment I'll comment on your story as soon as possible. You should know that I'm fair and square in my analysis.. but I AM pretty much of a grammar nazi XD I'll "tear it to shreads" so to say ( in a good way ^^) , but I'm honest and I won't bash.

I guess that's it for now..., but if you'd like to get to know me better or want to know more, don't be afraid to ask ^^..I didn't mention it above, but I also love making friends ^^ so dropping even a random hello message is great. I answer all my messages... ( just so you know..XD)
see you soon! <3

CURRENTLY WORKING ON: "Learning Sympathy"


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Posted 14 Years Ago

your welcome. and thanks. i hope you enjoy what you read!