Brandon M. Whittaker : Writing



A Poem by Brandon M. Whittaker

Again...can't sleep
Solemn Serenity

Solemn Serenity

A Poem by Brandon M. Whittaker

So yeah, couldn't sleep, so I'm up, at 5 in the morning....trying to be creative...I actually have to try right now.
Internal Struggle

Internal Struggle

A Poem by Brandon M. Whittaker

Bored and on watch...
Bursts of Light

Bursts of Light

A Poem by Brandon M. Whittaker

There's a bunch of drunk people around me...
My Revolution

My Revolution

A Poem by Brandon M. Whittaker

I was singing random words one day and I put together some lyrics out of my nonesenible rambling.
Emotional Breakdown

Emotional Breakdown

A Poem by Brandon M. Whittaker

Tears....tears... Why do they run down my face Like omens of ridicule and uncaged mediocrity Why does this weight hang on my heart Like a boulder ..
Embrace the Fear

Embrace the Fear

A Poem by Brandon M. Whittaker

Just a little poem I came up with while out on liberty, I wrote it down on a napkin.


A Poem by Brandon M. Whittaker

Just...a creative poem that I decided to sit down and write.
Portent Fall

Portent Fall

A Poem by Brandon M. Whittaker

I felt very very poetic today, I'm not sure why, but I feel like I should be writing poetry so here we go.
Condemned Heart

Condemned Heart

A Poem by Brandon M. Whittaker

WHOA!! Heavy seas! *queasy*