


Can you hear the dogs barking?

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by Haz

I draw them with lines of reflections through their steps
enough space between them
for your space within my head
enough rain awash
to quiver certainty from pavements
so the tossing bawl of commuters shadows
give enough in an outline
to collect your scent in

the luster of the muted tones
just brown enough to smell of cigar
the matched disorder of umbrellas from the same shop
too planned to be meant with sincerity at all

and so it becomes made cold enough
to be the cold of your engine leaving at dawn
far too planned
for a heart to break with sincerity at all.
Snow chippings lightly disintegrate
in the memories we caught

their movements shredded slow,
their breeze the patterns of a heart blown
all alone in a breath
they huddle against this weather I paint.
I unfurl to your voice
shout at feelings still left

Wonder, wonder, will the watcher gather
the world beneath this massing's flight?
The suited stamping at his own shadow/ a veteran aiming his blurry barrel
shooting at the trams breaking lines.
See the dress tug against the teary season
bleeding back
beyond seasons behind?

Do they even know I draw fleeing's at all?
that I'm trapping sobs at the tip tap of toes
that somewhere is the advancing army of
a world of doors shutting that can't open anymore?

Maybe they'll say, they're nice umbrellas, they won't smell cigars
and think snow is snow
think they all planned this journey together
the trams run to time to a planned destination
But I walked the lament of those distraught streets
feel the panic
See reflections at my feet
Maybe they'll think nothing than that they journey towards sun
But you belong in their reflections.
I know why they run.


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Posted 8 Years Ago

How are you ? Not sure you're here much .....

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Posted 8 Years Ago

AH. Just can't write anymore. Life just life-d me too much. I'm sure you know the feeling. Then once you've stopped for so long it's like first time dating... awkward and embarrassing and you're too scared you're going to say the wrong thing.

I've never been a social, group kinda' girl. But I think your group capture is exactly what I needed to get me going again. You are my writing speed date organizer.

And the old stuff is still there hidden, its just odd to look at it when it was such a different person who wrote it. You're right. Emotional purge.

How are you? How is your writing going? Any projects on the go? Feel free to read request me, I know your work so I'm really happy to take them, please feel free :)

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Literally came on to post, have not written for some time, I don't know if anyone is still here, I do miss the old days and all the wonderful writers, how have you been?

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Sometimes....very chuffed you thought of me x

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Great writing once again! Pierce the heart with more love and affection as only you can do. Very interesting read, good for the soul. Keep on writing amazing stories my friend..........Kyam

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Ah, well, still remains a hive of good times, be a shame if that was lost after so long x

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Understood, good to see a familiar face though so glad you are staying :)

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Good to see you here too hon...nice to hear from you today...always hope in any situation, so they say lol Good old reboot and some faith goes a long way (sometimes) n light x

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Posted 9 Years Ago

I was quite pleased on seeing your invitation to the group! Pleased enough to finally log on and think about posting new stuff! Welcome back mate.

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Posted 9 Years Ago

I was awoken by your invite. Quite sad that I started out on here and it has been left to whither away; a mere advertisement laden she'll of its former self. Hope you are well. :)