Haru Shimo

Haru Shimo


And their birth began as just thoughts until they created words in my head

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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm mainly just going to speak about what I write about instead of explaining myself. I write stories I like to call remixes that others would call fan fiction. Along side that I like to write mainly horror and action. Basically because I love writing the details to it allows me to get into it more. I write stories with fighting, killing, some romance I try to stay from having too much within my writings. Sometimes I like to throw in a bit of comedy in certain ones.

My writing is a bit odd as some would say. It's scattered all over the place just like my thoughts. I don't start from chapter one but from where ever my mind takes me first. Which could be the end, middle, random spot towards the beginning, or even the beginning itself. Just please be patient.