MakinItRainRed : Writing

The Girl Who Does Not Know

The Girl Who Does Not Know

A Poem by MakinItRainRed

She wears a smile wide yet frail, But her eyes tell a different tale: One of pain and sorrow, One that cannot be forgotten today nor tomorrow. ..


A Poem by MakinItRainRed

It's been a long five years or so, but it feels great to be back. I am home...once again.
My personal Ultimate :D

My personal Ultimate :D

A Poem by MakinItRainRed

After you are done reading the poem, the first letters all add up to a phrase. :)
For You

For You

A Poem by MakinItRainRed

I actually have a title this time! The word "dil" refers to 'heart' in my language. :)
Pulling Away

Pulling Away

A Poem by MakinItRainRed

This is my first ever poem written in the summer of '07. Congrats to me, I have a title for this one. :D
{ Untitled } (5)

{ Untitled } (5)

A Poem by MakinItRainRed

This one is pretty old. I wrote this when I was still with her. I need title ideas. :) Oh, "Desi" is another word for Indian/Pakistani.
{ Untitled } (4)

{ Untitled } (4)

A Poem by MakinItRainRed

All these untitled poems are bothering me. Please give some suggestions. Thanks. :)
{ Untitled } (3)

{ Untitled } (3)

A Poem by MakinItRainRed

There is a minor curse word in the last line...forgive me for that. ;)
{ Untitled } (2)

{ Untitled } (2)

A Poem by MakinItRainRed

Another one...
[ Untitled ]

[ Untitled ]

A Poem by MakinItRainRed

Based on real events.