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Girl Girl

A Poem by Balls:)

Depression Depression

A Poem by Balls:)

Caleb. Caleb.

A Poem by Balls:)

Love Love

A Poem by Balls:)

No More Pain No More Pain

A Poem by Balls:)

Always there Always there

A Poem by Balls:)

Untitled Untitled

A Poem by Balls:)

Becca Becca

A Poem by Balls:)

About Me

Hey everyone.
Im Holley Joyce Mitchell and im 18 years old.
I really dont have a lot of friends... I have a best friend. Taylor Dawn Russell. She is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. She's one of the only people in this world that actually get me. We are always together. And when we're not, we're texting, which brings me to say, yes i have a phone, and i love texting, and if you wanna text just message me and ask for my number. Well, i have a poem on here called "Becca" Well she is my fifth grade best friend. She gave me a journal and a pen, and we were friends ever since then. I think me and her will be friends forever...


here's this...

Name: Holley Joyce Mitchell
Age: 18
Hair Color: Blonde(top) Brown(bottom)
Hobbies: Singing, hanging out with my friends, texting, smoking the gange, wearing sunglasses, smiling.
Looking For: Everything
Relationship Status: Single

well before i move on, i guess i'll tell all about my relationship status.
Single. I've never in my life have had a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. (Im not really bi, but you know, anything could happen, you cant help who you fall in love with) I've made out with girls, and junk like that... Now this used to say that I've never been with a guy sexually or anything. Well, that's why im changing this. Be cause I recently have been. I wont get into the details lol so yea. Point is, i have been with a guy. Well... not actually like, boyfriend, girlfriend... that's still yet to come. lol

Favorite Movies: um... to many to name
Favorite Band: Panic At The Disco
Favorite Color: Orange

My style is like, hippie rocker... but i wear what i want, when i want. im stubborn, i can be mean, i can let people walk all over me, im shy, but im outgoing, and i really feel like im neglected and that i dont get enough attention. that might sound jerky on my part, but it's true... i really am kinda neglected... i guess that's why i even bothered to get one of these, so i'll get some attention... oh. and im honest. lol

well if you wanna know anything else just ask.


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hi, Thank you for your friendship.

I hope you enjoy some of many controversial pieces of poetry here on Writerscafe, your feedback is much appreciated :)

"The Elusive Mr Dunne aka @CensoredRapPoet"

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Posted 12 Years Ago

S. D. Blankenship

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Posted 13 Years Ago

lol funny name.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

sorry i fell asleep.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Well I've been ups and down,...well who wouldn't? lol, the down part is my gf could not be on here in WC like she usually did because of electricity's problems while my ups is someone here actually like my band and recent solo project so i would say 50/50

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Posted 13 Years Ago


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Posted 13 Years Ago

thanks :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

alright, and im trying different writing styles, non fiction, fiction and sci fi lol

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Posted 13 Years Ago


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Yeah sorry I'm jumping around with stories. One reason is I havent been home to write so I dont have my notes on the frist book lol.

I have been fine, had a good bday dinner last night, and currently on vacation in Seattle. How have you been?