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Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm a 22 year old Communication major with a BA in Psychology. I've done a good deal of stand up improv, creative writing (few years back mostly, not much new), and the odd bit of painting (toy models, because I'm awesome that way).

My reviews can and will be quite harsh, because I LOVE good writing (and yes, the capital letters are required). It's something of an emotional stimulant, a rush, and my desire for it fuels my reviewing nature. You can and will be compared to Welles, Shakespeare, Tolstoy. Elliot, Twain, and Wilde will be you peers, and I judge by that standard. Naturally, most scores will be rather low, but luckily that means there's a great bit of room to get better and improve.

By and large, I have a general caveat. If a review offends anyone in any way, feel free to drop me as many messages telling me how utterly wrong, horrid, and flat out bigoted my obviously terribly contrived opinions are. Trust me, it's cathartic.