Phoenix : Writing

I'll Be Me

I\'ll Be Me

A Poem by Phoenix

I'm sure many people can relate to this...


A Poem by Phoenix

Kind of a mix of some stuff that's going on in my brain
I Never Write Poetry

I Never Write Poetry

A Poem by Phoenix

I really don't - ever. And yet, I'm writing poems and showing old ones that I had thought happily would never again see the light of day. And now I'm ..
A Little More than Stir Crazy

A Little More than Stir Crazy

A Poem by Phoenix

And just a few days into summer, oh dear...
The Test was Horrible/The Book is Old

The Test was Horrible/The Book is Old

A Story by Phoenix

A class assignment where we had to write a descriptive paragraph about the title without using the actual words in it. Also dug up from middleschool.
Freedom will not Die

Freedom will not Die

A Poem by Phoenix

Another middle school poetry assignment I dug up, which also had to be written based on the title you were given.
America Ahead / Freedom Is...

America Ahead / Freedom Is...

A Poem by Phoenix

An old middle school poetry assignment I dug up. I think the assignment was to write based on the title you were given.
Part II) Those Eyes...

Part II) Those Eyes...

A Poem by Phoenix

My deepest wish.
Part I) A Thirsty Heart

Part I) A Thirsty Heart

A Poem by Phoenix

My worst fear
To My Soul

To My Soul

A Poem by Phoenix

Words from when I forgot what love felt like, and when I didn't feel loved...

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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